Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (2024)

This is a test build. You may comment and rate it.

Focused on: Healing and Support

Designed for: Raids and Fractals



This build was last updated on June 28, 2024.


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Skillbar
    • 2.1 Weapon Variants
    • 2.2 Skill Variants
  • 3 Template Code
  • 4 Specializations
    • 4.1 Specialization Variants
  • 5 Equipment
    • 5.1 Equipment Variants
  • 6 Consumables
  • 7 Usage
    • 7.1 Adrenaline
    • 7.2 Boons
    • 7.3 Healing
      • 7.3.1 Vigorous Shouts or Martial Cadence?
    • 7.4 Example opener (berserker)


Warriors can provide permanent Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (1) Quickness (or Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (2) Alacrity) and strong healing output Staff and Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (3)Vigorous Shouts. The on-demand revives from Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (4)Battle Standard make this an ideal build for commanders training new players in strikes and raids. This build is quite flexible, allowing it to bring whatever is needed to each encounter.

Berserker is significantly more capable than Bladesworn in this role, as it is able to use both Staff and Warhorn, and has access to Staff's powerful burst skill healing.





Weapon Variants

  • The mainhand option on the Warhorn set is a free choice. Mace is taken as default as it offers both CC and some active defence.
    • Axe could be a good option on Bladesworn as it can trigger Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (5)Lush Forest.
    • Dagger could be used for boon removal.
  • For players that don't own Secrets of the Obscure, Warhorn is the only support weapon option.

Skill Variants

Utility skills

  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (6)Banner of Tactics - on-demand Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (7) Stability and Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (8) Superspeed.
  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (9)Kick (warrior utility)/Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (10)Stomp - knockback for mechanics on fights like Samarog and Soulless Horror.
  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (11)Bull's Charge/Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (12)Wild Blow - extra CC.
  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (13)Throw Bolas - Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (14) Immobilize on a short cooldown.

Elite skills

  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (15)Signet of Rage - if you know you don't need revives.
  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (16)Head Butt - extra CC when playing Berserker. Can also be used for easy adrenaline generation and Berserk extension.

Template Code


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  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (17)Warrior's Sprint - slightly more DPS and mobility, if you're certain you won't be downed and need to rally yourself.
  • If adrenaline generation is a problem Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (18)Burst Mastery might end up better than the healing buff from Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (19)Heightened Focus
  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (20)Roaring Reveille - if extra Concentration and on-demand Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (21) Resistance is needed, at the cost of some healing and permanent Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (22) Protection.
  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (23)Empower Allies - for encounters with no conditions to cleanse.
  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (24)Martial Cadence - allows you to trigger Soldier's Focus every ~5s (either by weapon swapping immediately after it triggers, or weapon swapping off cooldown). This is lower healing in general, but reduces your reliance on shouts while providing more condi cleanse and permanent Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (25) Stability.

Specialization Variants

  • Worse in general as a healer, this variant allows you to provide Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (26) Alacrity instead of Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (27) Quickness.





















Equipment Variants


  • Giver's pieces can be taken for a tanking. Take as many pieces as you need to have the highest Toughness in your squad and keep the rest Harrier for more DPS.


  • Axe is the highest DPS option, though you won't be dealing much damage. It can proc Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (28)Lush Forest on Bladesworn and provide two combo finishers for condition removal in Light fields.
  • Maces can be brought in either slot to provide CC. Mace's burst skill Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (29)Skull Crack does extremely high breakbar damage when combined with Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (30)Sigil of Superior Sigil of Paralyzation (and Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (31)Merciless Hammer if taking Defense).
  • Longbow can provide a good amount of Might with Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (32)Combustive Shot dropping a 9-second fire combo field. Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (33)Arcing Arrow and your Warhorn skills are all blast finishers. Longbow is also a good ranged option for tagging mobs in open world or festival farming.
  • Hammer can be brought if extra knockbacks and/or CC is needed, thanks to Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (34)Staggering Blow
  • Mace (main hand) and/or offhand Shield can provide blocks for tanking.


  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (35)Sigil of Superior Sigil of Renewal - a small on-demand burst heal. Can weapon swap on cooldown even if you only bring one weapon set by placing the main hand in the first set and the offhand in the second set.
  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (36)Sigil of Superior Sigil of Paralyzation if bringing Mace to focus on CC output.


  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (37) Protection is not permanent without Staff, but you could make it so with Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (38)Relic of the Zephyrite. This will require using an elite with a cooldown of 40s or less.
  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (39)Relic of Karakosa only offers healing when using Warhorn, and as you only have a single combo field (Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (40)Banner of Defense) you'll need to try to combo with your allies' fields. However, if you want to swap for Warhorn regularly for Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (41) Swiftness and Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (42) Vigor, this helps cover the shortfall in healing when not on Staff.






Both elite specialisations rely on adrenaline/flow to generate their primary boon. Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (43)"To the Limit!" is a great skill for immediately maxing this resource and using you first burst skill/dragon trigger.

Throughout the rotation, you will need to be hitting the boss to build up adrenaline while also making good use of skills and traits that generate more:

  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (44)Valiant Leap (staff) generates five if you hit an ally other than yourself.
  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (45)Bullet Catcher Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (46)Defiant Roar (staff) generates five, plus two for every attack blocked by Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (47)Bullet Catcher.
  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (48)Counterblow (mace) generates six if allowed to channel fully, or three if Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (49)Adrenaline Rush (mace) is used early.
  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (50)Signet of Rage passively generates two every three seconds.
  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (51)Versatile Rage generates five every time you Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (52) Weapon swap.
  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (53)Burst Mastery (if using) refunds 33% of the cost of a burst skill.

In general, you shouldn't need to bring specific utility skills for extra adrenaline, as Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (54)Signet of Rage and/or Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (55)Burst Mastery should generate plenty extra.

If you aren't bringing Rage skills to extend your berserk, you will eventually drop out. The simplest method is to save Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (56)"To the Limit!" and use it to immediately regain full adrenaline, but you could also rely on Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (57)Head Butt.


Heal warrior has the ability to provide every boon in the game, and the vast majority with permament uptime.

Thanks to Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (58)Heat the Soul, every burst skill provides AoE Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (59) Quickness. You also have a little extra on Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (60)Charge (warrior).

Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (61)Daring Dragon provides a huge amount of Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (62) Alacrity when you hit a Dragon Slash. The charge level also doesn't matter so you can use it immediately without consuming too much flow.

This is provided on-demand with Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (63)Banner of Defense. It is also applied by Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (64)Line Breaker, but as this skill is required for permament Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (65) Protection uptime, it is less available.

Fury is essentially free, as you generate it on every burst skill thanks to Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (66)Heat the Soul, as well as Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (67)Valiant Leap (staff) and Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (68)"For Great Justice!".

Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (69)"For Great Justice!" generates ~17 stacks, and you should get an extra ~8 from Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (70)Marching Orders triggering. Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (71)Valiant Leap (staff) provides some more, and if this is still not enough, you could get more by taking Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (72)Empower Allies or Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (73)Martial Cadence.

Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (74)Line Breaker (staff) and Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (75)Marching Orders are both required for permanent Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (76) Protection. Without Staff, you'd have to rely on a relic effect (see the Equipment section).

Both Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (77)Banner of Defense and Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (78)Rampart Splitter should be capable of providing permanent Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (79) Regeneration.

Permanent Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (80) Resistance can be provided by Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (81)Banner of Tactics.

Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (82)Bullet Catcher Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (83)Defiant Roar generates a lot of Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (84) Resolution, and the extra from a single banner should be enough to make it permanent.

Provided on-demand by Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (85)Banner of Tactics. If taking Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (86)Martial Cadence, uptime of a single stack can be permanent if you trigger it often enough.

Swiftness and Vigor
Your only source of either of these is Warhorn, though they should be easy to keep permanent.


Staff provides the bulk of your healing, as every skill except Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (87)Snap Pull is a heal:

  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (88)Balanced Strike Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (89)Reverse Strike Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (90)Inspiring Whirl - only the last skill in the chain heals, so it's a good idea to finish the auto chain if you can.
  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (91)Valiant Leap - Make sure to hit your allies with this, so it generates adrenaline. You also want to use this regularly for Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (92) Might
  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (93)Line Breaker - A big heal and also provides Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (94) Aegis, so it can be delayed if necessary, but frequent use is required for permament Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (95) Protection.
  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (96)Bullet Catcher Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (97)Defiant Roar - Blocking attacks will power up the skill and increase the healing and adrenaline. If there's nothing to block, just use the flip skill immediately, and make sure to use it regardless before it expires.

In addition to Staff, you have Barrier on:

  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (98)Call of Valor
  • Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (99)Banner of Defense

Finally, Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (100)Marching Orders provides a small heal on a 10-second interval, and you can generate additional healing from every shout skills with Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (101)Vigorous Shouts.

Vigorous Shouts or Martial Cadence?

Your choice of grandmaster trait in Tactics will slightly alter the way you play. Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (102)Vigorous Shouts makes all your shout skills heal as well as boosting your healing power. This comboes with Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (103)Shrug It Off to apply this healing twice to Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (104)"To the Limit!" making it rather potent. Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (105)Martial Cadence makes Soldier's Focus reset when you weapon swap, allowing you to get more value out of this effect.

The main reason to choose Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (106)Martial Cadence is for the increased Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (107) Stability uptime, as the other benefits this trait provides (predominantly Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (108) Might and condi cleanse) are most easily handled with shout abilites, so Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (109)Vigorous Shouts has more natural synergy. The other main reason would be that you want all three of your utility skills for encounter mechanics (for example, you may with to bring two banners and a CC skill), limiting the effect of Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (110)Vigorous Shouts.

Vigorous Shouts
In the standard build, you can use your utility shouts for reactive healing as they are ammo skills. You can mostly camp Staff and use skills off cooldown, while switching to use Warhorn skills every ~17s. This gives you more freedom with your rotation, making it easier to swap to your second weapon set reactively e.g. for CC.

Martial Cadence
With Martial Cadence, you aim to get the most value out of Soldier's Focus. The most effective way of doing this is to weapon swap off cooldown to reset the effect, and ensure you get at least one burst skill off before swapping back. Your healing is reduced with this trait, both because you lack Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (111)Vigorous Shouts, and because you will need to more regularly swap off Staff. On the plus side, you generate a lot of Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (112) Stability and regular condi cleanse, as well as freeing up your utility slots due to less reliance on shout skills.

As you want to be weapon swapping nearly off cooldown, you may run into issues with adrenaline generation (as you need to use at least one burst skill before swapping again). This can be solved with Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (113)Signet of Rage, Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (114)Burst Mastery, or bringing some Rage skills.

Without Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (115)Vigorous Shouts, Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (116)Shrug It Off loses some value, so you could switch to Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (117)Empower Allies to enable you to drop Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (118)"For Great Justice!".

Example opener (berserker)

  1. Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (119)Charge (warrior) to start with Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (120) Quickness
  2. Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (121)Call of Valor
  3. Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (122)"To the Limit!" Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (123)Berserk
  4. Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (124)Skull Grinder
  5. Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (125) Weapon swap - generates five adrenaline
  6. Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (126)Valiant Leap - generates the remainint five adrenaline if you hit allies
  7. Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (127)Rampart Splitter

Use up to two charges of Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (128)"For Great Justice!" during the opener to hit 25 stacks of Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (129) Might as soon as you can - it is instant cast and so can be used during other skills. After this you can use it reactively for healing and to stop Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (130) Might dropping.

Build:Berserker - Boon Support Healer (2024)
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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

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Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.