Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2025)

THE GREEN BAY PRESS-GAZETTF Wednesday Evening, March 17, 194? 20 Aiitl aii ET dmm a I Mm Let George Do It Anne Davis, Erma Londo Pace Rollers Pin Wheel im.avdiim koi. l. Kits i I Hunt, Wahl High in Andres and Outfielders Frank Baumholtz and Jim Basso. Andres, once of the Louisville Colonels, was last reported on duty with a PC boat, while Baumholtz already has made several ocean crossings in charge of a gun crew aboard a merchant ship. 76 til 36 51 Ml 47 Caleivav Millers Nn.

2 Beenisler Iliidii (Tub Sort hern uwiey runs To Set Mark Ties Bentley, Single Point Short of New Puck Scoring Record By United Press Bill Cowley today was one point shy of the National league scoring record but again tied Chicago's Doug Bentley lor the league lead as Boston's Bruins walloped the New York Hangers, 11-5, before 8,885 fans at Boston garden Tuesday night in the final regular game of the season. The Rangers complete their schedule Thursday mm. 37 .373 t-v 8CONX souf 1 1 -f 4n oifs up a -it ym 411 ES A0fV WBK. iK 411 .310 7 ')mi 5 rL Nfe. ((J 7 MS) Wiik4 Cosmopolitan League Jack Smashes Single Game of 245; Leo Gets Triple of 640; Eddie Basinski Crashes 236, 637; Century Alleys, Steve's Lead Squads While Slur 47 Porter's 7 Club Tav Itrrhner sin Sham O'Brien 41 llotniann 42 Miller Nn.

I 39 Northwest No. 4 3' Mink Farm 36 Stuche 36 Northwest No. 2 13 Meier 32 Northwest No. 23 Northwest No. I .20 Sailors Search For Ball Club Great Lakes Hopes to Replace Players Lost From Strong '43 Nine GREAT LAKES, 111.

Lieutenant Commander J. Russell Cook, athletic officer at the Great Lakes Naval Training station, and Lieutenant Gordon S. (Mickey) Cochrane, baseball and Softball director, have started a station-wide search for talent to compose the 1943 Bluejacket baseball team. Recent transfer of leading members of the 1942 squad has left many vacancies to fill. It is hoped, however, that a unit may be welded together to become as strong as last year's team which established claim to the championship of the U.

S. armed forces by winning 63 games, losing only 14 and finishing with a percentage of .813. COSMOPOLITAN I.EAGIE ret 8tes Chfen 5- Klanlefnrrt. Mkt 46 33 .368 Staplefords Mkt Bowling league at the North Side alleys Tuesday night. Anne Davis clubbed a three-game series of 532 and Erma I.ondo scored a single game of 191 for the high individual efforts in the Playdium Rollers The Scores: Woodchucks Weasels Gophers Chipmunks 7S.5 802 74 2381 81)4 8R9 OBI 2231 812 839 893-2540 8.12 811 8872530; 45 36 .536 41 37 .513 39 .519 41 4(1 .506 39 38 41 .469 32 49 .395 49 .395 32 49 .393 744 Players of American League In Armed Forces CHICAGO P) The American league disclosed today that its number of baseball players in the armed forces now had reached 144, a figure that exactly equalled the league's service roll during all of World War 1.

In addition, 19 players are remaining out of baseball this season to work in war plants or on fa rms. However, team rosters show that each club will have from 27 to 34 men available to start the season April 21. Leading the league with men In the armed forces were Detroit and Chicago, each with 23. The one gold star on the American league's service flag represents Gene Stack, former White Sox player and the first American leaguer to be drafted. He died in service.

lew nauin a Kerkhoffs Mkt Lochman Bar Century Alley Wis. Pub. Srr. Kowsleskl Shell Oil Hnherns Paper Hhllt Store II. C.

Motors Schoepps TaT Bowling league at the Playdium Tuesday night. i Tomcheck scored 498 and Laude hit 182. The Scores Derenne Crashes 239, 659 In Forester Loop CATHOLIC FOKKSTFKS I KM. IF. I Nort hwest 1 Montreal.

'I Cowley, with two goals and an assist, boosted It in total to 72 points for the full season, one less than the 1930-31 record established by Boston's Cooney Wciland. Bentley has one more game to play. The teams played even in the first, Herb Cain scoring for Boston and Grant Warwick for the Rangers. The Bruins pulled away in the second on goals by Cowley, Cain, Gallinger and Aubuchon as Kirkpatriek tallied for New York. Both clubs scored three times in the third Aubuchon, Cain and Boyd for Boston and Warwick, Smith and Heller for the Rangers.

701 730 726 674 731 703 890 69(1 Arlene i foe I 6HE-2116I LfVlVAKS 'iffij 747-2177 747 7112 705 789 724 593 6 8(18 683 613 713 Pi .556 .343 .311 .437 .414 .393 IV 43 41 44 44 41 41 41 37 36 3'. 31! 37 37 37 38 31 411 411 44 43 4fi 41 SI. Willrbrortl Si. Leo Conductors SI officers Speakers Sentinels Annunciation I'ere Marquette. Chief! Hangers SI.

Patrick White Store Hoimann Club Tav Gateway Northern Huddle Northwest 3 Sham O'Brien Northwest 1 Miller 1 703 678 630 7115 665 744 633 740 786 693 626 17 700 627 Miller-a Brebner Sinz Mink Farm 691 Northwest- 4 684 722 2048 6972121 6422127 7302131 Miller May Finish With Only 200 Mark In Major Pin Wheel Individual honors in the Cosmopolitan Bowling league went to Jack Hunt and Leo Wahl at the North Side alleys Tuesday night. Wahl fired the leading three-game series, 640, and Hunt scored the best single game, 245. Wahl and Ed Basinski each counted singles of 236, second-bests of the night. Basinski rolled a three-game series of 637 for the No. 2 triple; Other honor counts: Ed Jacobs, B17; Noib Rondou, 616; Cliff Van Beek 610; Hunt, CDS); Carl Rett-man, 600.

Century Alleys and Steve's Cheese divided team honors, Century getting a three-game total of 2911 and Steve's Cheese posting a single game of 992. Lochman Bar fired 2839 and Century hit 983. New Baum won three games from S'apleford Market to pull within one game of Die second-place Markets. Steve' Cheese lost a pair to Wisconsin Public Service, but still held a six-game lead over the Markets today. Cameel Derenne captured individual honors in the Catholic Older of Foresters Bowling league at the Columbus club alleys Tuesday night, firing a single game of 239 and a three-game total of (559.

Fd Van Ark hit 617 and Clarence Toonen scored a 227 single game. WH 886 695 Forfeit. 400 Club Slsiebe Beemster Meier-flchroeder 717 65421)66 If You Heat with Oil Your Business CONVERT TO STCIE3 CC3 (iHKF.N BAY MUOR LF.AC.IK I. Pit Gaurhier, Milquet Top National Pin League Ave 9611-53 HIK-47 9I3-6'I 8S3-75 9113-3 900 2693 9502767 8892787 908-2643 48 41 41 41 41 43 37 36 27 26 311 34 3.3 35 33 35 41 42 51 11 SI 3 .564 .331 .531 .351 .551 .474 .346 .333 C.reen Bay Foods Columbus Club Fast Kiv. I br.

Unison's Plaid. I n. Sales Hochgieve (Tub Dashnier Oruant Jewel. Oc. Beer Hoyal Crown The Scores: Speakers St.

Wtllebroid Conductor RanKera Chiefs Pere Marquette Annunciation Officers Crown vs. East River Lumbers; 7-8, Oconto vs. Columbus Club; 9-10, Orwant vs. Packer Playdium. Individual Leaders: (antes Ave .1.

Miller. G. B. Foods 78 201-43 A. Timmerman.

Fast Iliv. 78 l'i8-5ll N. Clusman, Plavdliim 78 193-30 (. I'iron, Fast River 69 195-45 II. Zeulzius.

Plavdliim 75 194-56 L. Reis. Orwant 45 193-4 K. Mihm. C.

C. (Tub 78 F. Frit. C. C.

(Tub 69 I 'i-'0 W. White. G. B. Food H.

Schlietle. G. H. Food 78 R. Beyer.

(. Dashnier 78 l'U-75 F. Thomas, last Riv. 71 l''ll-66 F. Fonteiek.

G. II. Food 140-37 Pp-'kl, Cnion 78 19M-37 I. Ilohry. C.

C. Club 66 iiin.i I'lasriiiim 75 l'Mi-1 A. Nabor, Fast lllier 73 190-1 Armstrong Prefers to Write About Romance Rather Than Own Tiffs PHILADELPHIA Hj.Rl Hen-; ry Armstrong. former triple NATIONAL I.F.A;lE Broadway Chev Mc Donald Units liruxs Smifs Clothes Koval Cleaner Filers Cheese Granrivii Hairy Mc'j Bakery I. 31 36 38 41 43 44 47 47 46 411 37 3.3 34 31 Pet .603 .538 .31.1 .47 4 .449 II.

.3117 STOXCl fa bsr way 860 963 -2618 -2786 -2729 -2705 928 882 945 890 886 941 925 844 817 877 817 8 1 935 953 847 872 8J2 912 953 01 1 862 802 874 "Great Lakes had an outstand-inii baseball team last summer and we hope to have a club equally us powerful this season," Commander Cook said. "Major and minor league players now stationed at Great Lakes will be nsked to combine their naval duties with baseball activities to represent the station against the best competition we can find." Cochrane at Work Lieutenant Cochrane, who became one of baseball's most popular figures as a catcher with the world champion Philadelphia Athletics and later as the manager of the Detroit Tigers who won the world series against the Chicago Cubs in is at work scheduling games to be played on the station for the beueiit of recruits in training. Last year the Bluejackets played ten major league teams at Constitution Field, winning four of the contests. American association clol s. strung semi-pro and collegiate nines also visited Great Commander Cook, however, ha not yet set the date for the opening game of the season.

Slurs Gone The stars of the 1942 Great Lakes team who departed in recent weeks for other stations include Don Padgett, formerly of Brooklyn, who last season shared the batting championship with an average of Benny McCoy. ox-Athletics' second baseman; Chester Hadjuk, first baseman once propel ty of the Chicago White Sox; Pitchers Don God-fredson and Herman Fishman: Catchers Frank Pytliik and Hugh Dukie; Third Baseman Ernie lo John (hat fuel oil be 842-2570 8982637 771 -2290 9222694 St. Put rick Sentinel col be barosrd instead are (Vic Th Scores: Stapleford Mkt New Baums 919 8.W 833 943 9J0 9052718 ing met daily by the installation of a STOIC OL Alitor ric Coal Stoker and the owner is Dot onr complying with tbe mrJmr wit Gen Mataya Cracks 224, 562 In De Pere Wheel Wally Gauthier and Noi Milquet divided individual honors in the National Bowling league at the Century alleys in De Pere Tuesday night, Gauthier getting a three-game total of 578 and Milquet posting a single game of 215. Dick Zegers ranked second with 212 and 547. The Scores: the day but is realizing the most satisfactory form of kea i handsome saving.

DF. PF.RK WOMKN'S LFA(il Let us survey what can be acctxaplished in fur I 923 2li7S 975 2911 976 2829 9112750 9142830 950 2697 9.11 28.19 8932599 898-2597 9502789 9J6 953 1183 9118 885 992 847 935 98 854 948 8'U 813 812 887 902 937 B. C. Motors Century Alleys Wis. Pub Ser.

Sieves Cheese Hobergs Paper Kowaleskl Shell Lochmans Bar White Store Schoepps Ta Kerkhoff Mkt for conversion to ctxU, and assaist joa ia fiftag ho is crown boxing champion, attempting a No obligation. There is a STOK.OL to (at fn mi oi iiiiail 833 835 comeback, was in today looking for Jack Miller of Green Bay Foods may become the only bowler in the Green Bay Major league to break 200 when the circuit closes action at the Columbus club at 7:15 tonight. Miller hold- an average of 201-45 and would have to hit a low mark to skid below 200. Al Timmerman of East River, on the other hand, would have to burn to get into the 200 class. He has an average of 198-50.

The Foods captured the league championship last Wednesday, and now leads second-place Columbus Club by four games. Tied a game behind CCC are East River Lumbers, Packer Playdium, Union Sales and Hochgieve. East River has the leading team average, 960-53. but the Foods are close behind with 960-16. The schedule: Alleys 1-2, Hochgieve vs.

Union Sales; 3-4, Green Bav Food vs. Dashnier; 5-6, Roval Philadelphia 2i 23 30 41 42 44 43 43 45 47 311 51 Pit .716 .716 .610 .494 .481 .457 .444 .414 .414 .370 58 58 31 411 39 37 36 36 36 34 31 30 Secors I nion llolel Mc Donalds Hrennans Lee's arrlck's Royal Cleaners Ford's Bakerv lie Pere Liquor Schumerth's Itcalens I)e Pere Beauty Shop inti-chmax for his an Janssen Drugs Mc's Bakery Mc Donald Drugs Snuts Clothes Broadway Chevs Orandvu Dairy 787 912 886 873 805 774 755 752 854-2474 7902537 848 2li02 8502584 781 2420 8292332 841 2377 25J5 'My Struggle to Three raphy Betty Petitjean Hits 203, Anne Davis 527 825 749 771 884 Prompt deli ry. VAN OSS BROS. PLUMBING HEATING 1021 Main Street Adorns 2073 Cheese Cleimers Filers Royal GRIDIRON I.FAGIE Crowns." "Hurricane Henry'' didn't think that Al Tribuani would provide the anti-climax when they meet a 10-iounder Men-day night. "I used to write a lot about the ring and my own lights," Armstrong said.

"Now I prefer to write about romance." Edwards to Get Exam LAFAYETTE, Ind. UPi Hank Edwards, 27-year-old outfielder up from Baltimore was ordered to take his Selective Service physical examination today. I. 28 31 33 36 37 39 46 47 48 14 50 Gen Mataya walked off 'with individual honors in the De Pere Women's Bowling league at. the Century alleys in De Pere Tuesday night, posting a single game of 224 and a three-gam total of 562.

Bea Banynet skimmed 524 and Loretla Schumerth fired a single of 206. 31 tJFJJ'i -axe nfi i v.c i Pit .688 .636 .641 .613 .61111 .589 I .511 .489 .178 .467 .156 .441 .4110 .384 .378 .027 6'! 59 38 57 54 53 51 48 48 44 41 41 411 38 38 36 35 31 19 Jacobs Diipont Olson Ward Heleerson Auto Aceep. dams Baierl Berl rand lie Coster Clvde H. L. Green C.

and Hist. Bav West Shcfford Nau's Prane F.snuire Old Imperial The Scores: Roval Cleaners 659 Union Hotel 708 54 35 71 712 797 707 821 709 771 730 704 704-7075 8072:112 141 2132 784-2291 7:162105 78(1 2299 8062210 7642301 1,84 iid (ISO 74J Be.lteiis Canicks Lee Bros Biennana Mc Donalds 773 722 7652198 688 8092296 711 799 696 647 Fords Bakery De Pere Liquor Schumerths De I'ere Beauty 721 734 7312148 7431985 fr lilts Anne Davis slammed a three-game series of 527 and Betty Petitjean fired a single game of 203 for individual honors in the Gridiron Bowling league at the Packer Playdium Tuesday night. Mary Helgerson scored 522 and Millie Schumacher hit 196. The 8cores: ME Doherty, Smith High In Community League I.LACl V. C.

C. 842 761 773-2316 711 735 759-2205 "15 677 Heleerson Bhefford Oreen Press-Gazette Ts'au's Clyde Bertraud Baierl as they say in 676 T26 683 737 752 I. 18 23 36 38 .38 1i 4 1 47 44 63 58 55 45 41 4 1 39 38 34 23 13 I'd .716 .679 .5 11 .511 .481 .169 .420 ..193 .786 .1114 Hot wood l.odce Brebner Sin? Wis. I'ublic Service Hearclens Taint Btucda Motor liner Mariester II. C.

I'lanse Northwest B. Auto Pails I ndepeuden Oaks 'lavein B. .1. B. Liniment fV' 11 802 743 730 810 4t a iif 71 KA rl tWU 652 -2064 683-2140 742 -2205 i 6.j7-20'2 745-2290 755 2:101 B23 -2179 741-2137 692 21.120 720 2253 662 2152 736 -2171 707 2177 f.B3 677 Ward Bay West and Prar.e 673 719 671 765 MF when 3SVT-'- sv VV mSHSNSS Old Imperial De Coster 725 717 735 718 7)8 752 703 789 Auto Acc.

Esquire v-. vwyvvw Howaifl Dohertv scored a three-game series of tiOO and Doherty and Red Smith each posted single games of 232 for the top individual marks the Columbus Community Club Bowling league at the CCC alleys Tuesday night. Nobby Ecker and the Rev. Vande Castle each hit It 739- 2231 787-2407 727- 2247 7 IV-2 166 719-2096 Jacobs Dupont Adams Olson 841 744 693 655 779 776 758 722 Iff iii PRODUCED IN U.S. A.

under the direct supervision of our expert Canadian blender. De Pas Hits 211, 553 In Maricque Pin Wheel -2067 228ti 871 793 8042519 7582188 829 737 MARICQl E-BFRO I.FAGl'F. Weasels 45 Chipmunks 38 (iophers 34 VI oodchurks 33 I. 30 37 43 42 Pet .600 .307 .442 .440 The Score: Kockwood Lodae 905 Uaks Tmeni 754 Biehner Sii)7 886 ti. B.

Auto Parts 693 Wis Public Service 847 H. C. Pranite 729 Hearden Paint 755 Bogda Motors 804 Tnt. Harvester 714 B. J.

B. Liniment 744 Northwest Mutual 812 Independents 6a4 855 8ti9 2571 853 9162598 872 7922419 844 7672415 725 732 7512190 7242200 Russell De Pas fired a single game of 211 and a three-game series of 553 for the high individual efforts in the Maricque-Bero 858 8252495 815 7322231 WH F.N, occasionally, you cannot get Corby's, it isn't the fault of anyone except Adolph, Benito, Hirohito, et al. The entire capacity of our distilleries is now devoted to war production. But we are shipping regularly as much Corby's as war conditions permit. This distribution is spread as evenly as possible.

Ask for Corby's every time. This grand old Canadian name is worth asking for even though it's sometimes out. Occasional acquaintance with Corby's now, will grow Uo lasting friendship after victory. '7 i 4 1f For Fit and Feel! For Wear and Tear! 1L. I 4 -4A5rw- 1kebWmskiy WALK-FITTED BOSTONIANS S- Iiitiihi an i miaiiMiins i i iimnii ami 86 Proof 73.4 Grain Neutral Spirits Ja.

Barclay Limited Peoria, Illinois In these Walk-It-and-Like-It times, shoe comfort's a must. They've got to last longer, too. Walk-Fitted Bostonians win medals on both counts. Nvland. above, is a stout- $0.95 Koled examola in Brown Tweed A (61 AN OIL CMAIAKf NAME 8 if Mansfields at $6.95 Use Your Stamp 17 to Buy Those Better Shoes BUY cMoejjjjei Boat Shop.

205 N. Washington St. SONDSy ka 111 "Vl!" 1 'r".

Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2025)
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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.