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      • How do foods which give "downed health" work?

        in Players Helping Players

        Posted March 15, 2021

        Each down will inflict a debuff on the player which causes their next down to have 25% less downed health.First down : 100% + 100% = reviveSecond down : 75% + 100% = no revive

        • Why does Renewing Wave take energy before the cast completes?

          in Revenant

          Posted March 14, 2021

          @"Sobx.1758" said:Well, I guess at the very least "we" stopped pretending that rotgd stunbreak somehow isn't instant, eh @"Yasai.3549"? :DWhat about the traits? Is every trait "a bandaid" and "icky" or we're dropping that weird claim as well?

          Please don't dodge, thanks.

          I hope whatever class yu play gets a Stunbreak skill next expansion which takes half their resource to activate, and can be stun cancelled.

          • Thief Dead?

            in Player vs. Player

            Posted March 14, 2021

            @UNOwen.7132 said:

            I actually counted that as 1. In 30 seconds, Scrapper gets the 2 baseline, 1 use of hammer 3, and 2 uses of Elixir R, which restores 2 evades. Thats 7.

            Do people actually use Elixir R in meta builds? I don't know.2 Elixir Rs? Did yu mean toss Elixir R? Doesn't that revive people instead?

            I'm counting only 5 Evades.

            • Thief Dead?

              in Player vs. Player

              Posted March 14, 2021

              @UNOwen.7132 said:snipScrapper gets 7?Cmon, that's not fair, they have 3 evades sharing a single weapon cooldown dude.

              • Stealth is totally fine - Offhand dagger only thief roaming

                in World vs. World

                Posted March 14, 2021

                @Naxos.2503 said:

                Replace the Stealth with Block and you got yourself a warrior.

                Mix abit of both and yu get Holosmith!Mix Block and Evade and yu get Revenant!


                • We have arrived at an ideal meta

                  in Player vs. Player

                  Posted March 14, 2021

                  I missed what made Gw2 fun : fast paced action combat.Now everyone is just snail's pace non-action combat.

                  • The Insane Cost of the Icebrood Saga Weapon Collections (Update - Still Insane)

                    in Living World

                    Posted March 14, 2021

                    @Sobx.1758 said:

                    You can literally check your achievements tab for the MP available if you didn't complete them yet, count and see how many above the needed ones you'd have.Now respond to my previous posts :)

                    Pics or it didn't happen.Unless yu grinded out literally every single mastery point save the collections, yu will be at least 1 or 2 points short.Yu get total of 67 points from achievements and 63 is needed to max out Dragon Slayer.

                    Since this post is about IBS weapon collections in the first place, as well as dipping into mandatory grinding, we've reached a point where we can simply discuss about how viable it is or mandatory it is to force players to grind achievements, especially weapon collections.

                    • Why does Renewing Wave take energy before the cast completes?

                      in Revenant

                      Posted March 14, 2021

                      @Shao.7236 said:

                      Considering Revenant can stunbreak as much as it wants for as long as there is energy, having cast time for skills that follows it adds to the usefulness of said skill so that it's not just for Stunbreaking, nothing forces the user to commit the skill entirely either, it can be stowed (if you'd ever want that) or dodge interrupted.

                      Does stowing give the energy back?Cos I just spent 40 for like, probably 1/4th the skill's worth.

                      • The Insane Cost of the Icebrood Saga Weapon Collections (Update - Still Insane)

                        in Living World

                        Posted March 14, 2021

                        @Sobx.1758 said:

                        Interesting how I have all the masteries and more free points being unused while I didn't touch those collections. It's almost as if what you just said was false?Show me.Proof please.

                        • The Insane Cost of the Icebrood Saga Weapon Collections (Update - Still Insane)

                          in Living World

                          Posted March 14, 2021

                          @"Sobx.1758" said:

                          From my understanding you're basically repeating "I don't want to grind so force me to grind!". And we come back to my initial response: No, thanks.

                          cough achievement grind for Mastery Point is a thing right now, so Anet already implemented mandatory grind, just not in a gear progression way.

                          The few Strikes and Metas released during IBS has emphasis on Mastery unlocks for certain mechanics, and even worse, Reward chests.

                          My opinion is that if I'm being forced to grind, it should lead to progression of my character.

                          IBS Mastery only for IBS content and future content but helps me squat for literally everywhere else is not entirely enticing. (And for the love of god IBS content ain't even fun. Look at DRM)

                          Skins are fine, but the way they are implemented right now is not fine, and doubly so for the fact yu have to complete collections for Mastery points which do indeed become mandatory either way.

                          • Thief Dead?

                            in Player vs. Player

                            Posted March 14, 2021

                            @"UNOwen.7132" said:

                            This is where the logic falls apart. Thief has below average number of evades. They have the same as everyone else, then 1 extra per fight from DD, and 1 on a 50 second cooldown. Compared to other classes that can have multiple evades within 10 seconds ontop of the baseline 2, thats pretty bad. Blind is, likewise, fairly limited, and much lower value than evades. Stealth is just outright worthless for avoiding damage in-combat, since the 1.25 seconds of free hits you give your enemy already outshadow any damage you might prevent, ontop of the fact that stealth, against good players, doesn't even tend to prevent much damage anyway, means that there is no reason to use it in combat unless you want to die.

                            Hold it right there.

                            • Base 2 Evades
                            • Withdraw Evade
                            • Roll for Ini Evade
                            • DD Steal Endurance refresh + DD innate 1 Evade and let's be fair and say the endurance from steal is 0.5 evades
                            • Shadowsteps with SB5 or Sword 2 to get out of enemy attack range can also be counted as "evade"
                            • SB3
                            • Endurance Regen from Signet of Agility (1 Evade)
                            • Daggerstorm

                            And this is just common loadout from a few meta DD build. (please don't flame for using meta battle, feel free to hit me with other sites sharing popular builds)

                            Yup. yup.Below average number of evades indeed.Who are yu comparing to? A hacker?

                            • The Insane Cost of the Icebrood Saga Weapon Collections (Update - Still Insane)

                              in Living World

                              Posted March 14, 2021

                              @"Sobx.1758" said:

                              You can say that the very moment you grind out most of the gemstore for gold. Somehow I doubt you did.More skins. Great.

                              Raids/Strikes aren't getting any harder to challenge players.

                              And introducing stronger equipment won't make raids/strikes harder or more challenging. What exactly am I missing here?The game isn't "being casualized", it was always like this. And again, the skins are optional. If someone doesn't want to grind then they don't need to, that's kind of the point and pretty sure it always was.

                              Because a Gear Treadmill can go hand in hand with harder encounters.Fractals has a pseudo progression system with infusions in order to tackle harder fractals due to AR.

                              If that much is already in the game, I don't see why Anet can't introduce gear one step up for harder encounters for PvE.It will sate the raiding community, give players something to work toward with their weeklies and keep players engaged.

                              That being said, several things should happen :

                              1. WvW and PvP should have a template gear system, and throw out the amulet system. Let players tailor whatever they want for individual pieces saved into loadouts.
                              2. Openworld difficulty will remain relatively the same
                              3. introduce harder raids and strikes, and introduce stronger gear

                              If the stronger gear is definitely a no-go, then introduce something like AR for upcoming raids and strikes, encouraging players to work toward stronger upgrades to clear these harder content more comfortably.

                              • The Insane Cost of the Icebrood Saga Weapon Collections (Update - Still Insane)

                                in Living World

                                Posted March 14, 2021

                                @Sobx.1758 said:No, thanks.

                                It has to happen eventually.If not the game will just go through cycles and cycles of recycled content models until it dies.

                                There's nothing to grind for, there's nothing to work toward.Raids/Strikes aren't getting any harder to challenge players.

                                Game is being casualized but now even the casual playerbase feels that skin grind and achievement grind is too much.

                                • The Insane Cost of the Icebrood Saga Weapon Collections (Update - Still Insane)

                                  in Living World

                                  Posted March 14, 2021

                                  I have ignored every single collection since Boreal collection.It's just not fun to grind for skins, period.

                                  I think the only way that Anet can make grind worth while for the game is to simply introduce gear progression.Something past Ascended, and Legendaries will be upgraded to the next tier by default.

                                  Without gear progression, people have no real need to grind anything, and the game's longevity is limited to Achievements and Skins.Both Acheivements and skins have been grinded and implemented poorly, and it's starting to upset alot of players.

                                  • Stealth is totally fine - Offhand dagger only thief roaming

                                    in World vs. World

                                    Posted March 14, 2021

                                    If only there was a way to play OH or MH only Thief without being deprived of the stats yu would've gotten from the other weapon.

                                    • Wasn't killing more elder dragons a bad thing?

                                      in Lore

                                      Posted March 14, 2021

                                      I'm under the impression they are going to find a way to channel the Dragon's energies into their Champions after slaying their respective EDs.Ryland seems like a pretty level headed guy.Braham is a pretty level headed guy if he isn't drunk or what not.Commander is Aurene's chosen.

                                      There is no salvaging a Champion for Mordy or Zhaitan, and besides those two had Champions, but they were extremely corrupt.I'm assuming this is going to happen in EoD.

                                      • Why does Renewing Wave take energy before the cast completes?

                                        in Revenant

                                        Posted March 14, 2021

                                        @Za Shaloc.3908 said:

                                        Glaring Resolve exists to help remedy this. RotG is fine as is and you have enough stab from roads/Spirit Boon/True Nature (if running Herald) to help cover the cast time.

                                        Then that's just using a Trait to bandaid a problem isn't it?That feels icky.

                                        RotG exists as a Stunbreak, I feel like it should be consistent as a Stunbreak: to just break stuns without additional conditions.

                                        Would be nice if they redesigned it or something because I am one who would like to have a consistent Stunbreak skill across Legends.

                                        • Why does Renewing Wave take energy before the cast completes?

                                          in Revenant

                                          Posted March 14, 2021

                                          @"Sobx.1758" said:

                                          But rotg stunbreak works at the press of the button, the cast time is for another skill effect, so how is this a "cast time on stunbreak"?So it's RotG's problem then.I don't see why it shouldn't have CC protection for the length of the cast.

                                          It's like getting stunbreak > going into animation cast (which is kind of like another stun) > can be stunned again and cancels the cast, eats energy anywayRather it just take Energy immediately, and casts instantly/has CC protection for the cast.

                                          • Why does Renewing Wave take energy before the cast completes?

                                            in Revenant

                                            Posted March 14, 2021

                                            @Sobx.1758 said:

                                            How does it make no sense?Cast times on Stunbreaks are not a consistency.Not only on Rev, but across all Professions.

                                            • Jormag's Ruse

                                              in Lore

                                              Posted March 13, 2021

                                              I've posted this in another lore thread :

                                              Jormag is afraid of confronting Primordous.They claim that they will destroy each other, but I have another tinfoil hat theory.

                                              Jormag and Primordous are two halves of a whole.Jormag is the intelligence, the cold half.Primordous is the instinct driven, the heated half.

                                              Jormag knows that if they clash, they will both be destroyed, but what if it isn't in a literal sense?What if they clash and merge, "destroying" both halves to form a whole?

                                              What if Primordous' instinct was to perform the merge, while Jormag is actively fighting against it?If all is according to Jormag's plan, Primordous will be killed, and Jormag will be freed at last, without having a wild animal constantly trying to hunt them down.

                                              Again, it's just a theory.

                                              ! A GAME THEORY.

                                              • Thief Dead?

                                                in Player vs. Player

                                                Posted March 13, 2021

                                                @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

                                                Thief requires brain game. People don't want brain game, they want to mash buttons 1-2-3-4-5-6 , get kills and so on. Framing the entire class as the most uninteractive class thanks to a select few meta builds is quite the move.

                                                So, how do we go from here? Do I select my subjective opinion of uninteractive and begin listing...?

                                                Lol is it really brain game if yu simply run very well and disengage really well?That's not brain game, Weaver can do that easily.But even Weavers run out of cooldowns regardless if they rotate their skills properly or not.

                                                Thief on the other hand can do this over and over without consequence because they are resource gated, not cooldown gated.And that's why people take issue with the entire Profession as a whole : Initiative system.

                                                SB5 was specifically targeted for nerfs because of mobility spam without punishing the Thief enough.

                                                The other major abuser of the Ini system is D/P 5 + 2.That allows instant Stealth access for the Thief, anytime, anywhere.

                                                And is it really brain game to refresh Stealth repeatedly to avoid retaliation?Do note, Thieves are nowhere nearly as vulnerable to burst as they were before, and so the excuse of "but if they have no Stealth they will die" is not valid.

                                                • Thief Dead?

                                                  in Player vs. Player

                                                  Posted March 13, 2021

                                                  @Kuma.1503 said:

                                                  I would challenge you to name a class less interactive than thief.

                                                  Mesmer...... from 2 years ago.Lol.

                                                  • Champions Chapter 3 [spoiler discussion]

                                                    in Lore

                                                    Posted March 13, 2021

                                                    I'm just tinfoil hatting here but here's my theory :

                                                    Jormag has made it clear that Primordous is their twin.Jormag has also made it known that Primordous is animalistic.Braham and the Spirits have come to the conclusion that Primordous has no real mind of its own.Braham is able to exert limited control as Primordous' champion, but risks being consumed by the raw fury and rage of Primodous.

                                                    This all points to one thing :Primordous and Jormag are not twins, they are two halves of a whole.Based on this theory, they do not "destroy" each other literally when they clash.They will "destroy" both Jormag and Primordous to become whole.

                                                    If this is true, then I can already guess the ending of Champions :

                                                    • Primodous and Jormag are forced to clash and merge
                                                    • A single being is born from the merge
                                                    • They are evil because Elder Dragon stuff anyway
                                                    • Aurene finally has to get off her butt to confront it, as the only other Elder Dragon who can match them (god knows where Bubbles is)
                                                    • Big fight.
                                                    • Ryland probably dies, Braham probably dies.

                                                    Alternatively :

                                                    • We look for Bubbles in EoD for a three way fight.
                                                    • Why does Renewing Wave take energy before the cast completes?

                                                      in Revenant

                                                      Posted March 13, 2021

                                                      @Shao.7236 said:

                                                      But RotGD does consume energy as soon as you press it. It's a stunbreak, it has to.

                                                      If Jade Wind did on press, it would be very underpowered on Shiro, part of what makes it so strong is the ability to bait dodges.

                                                      The inconsistencies were probably not inconsistencies and rather they've just went with what seemed best for each individual skill. It's not like there's many.

                                                      Makes no sense for RotG to need a cast time while giving no chain CC protection during its activation then :/

                                                      • Champions Chapter 3 [spoiler discussion]

                                                        in Lore

                                                        Posted March 12, 2021

                                                        This chapter solidifies that Arenanet's writing crew either all disappeared or they just don't care anymore.I'm glad they introduced Tengu and brought Canach back into the fold, but the plot progression after that makes no sense.

                                                        So many conflicting ideas meshing together into an incoherent mess with no care for continuity, and characters change their stance on things too fast, too often.The only thing consistent is Aurene sitting around and not doing anything.

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                                                      Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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                                                      Views: 5797

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                                                      Author information

                                                      Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

                                                      Birthday: 1993-07-01

                                                      Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

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                                                      Job: Banking Officer

                                                      Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

                                                      Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.