OT Harbor Freight Mini Tire Changer (2025)



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  • May 11, 2015
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I've had a Troy Bilt Horse model tiller with a 7 HP Kohler engine on it in my shed since probably around 1985 or so. I needed the room so I wanted to get it out of the shed. There was bunch of stuff piled in front of it so I didn't know the bar tread tires had gone flat. One of them actually split the side wall from sitting flat.

Anyway, I purchased two new 4.80-4 X 8" bar tread tires. So.....I purchased a mini tire changer from Harbor Freight. I set it up today and managed to remove the tires from the rims. It took a little getting used too but the little machine actually worked ok.

I should be receiving the new tires on Thursday. I'm hoping the little machine will work at mounting them easy enough.

Anybody else purchase one of those mini tire changers from Harbor Freight? If so, what do you think of it?

Any problem with using regular grease to lube the beads and rim? I tried soapy water when removing the old tires but when I changed to grease it worked a lot better.


Well-known Member
Sanford, NC
  • May 11, 2015
  • #1

If grease got'em off you were gonna trash'em anyways...

Use a good tire lube to install'em... Are Soap will not hurt the tire and i spec it will never have enough traction to spin the tire on the rim...

I have about a 1980 Horse the tires still look good as new OT Harbor Freight Mini Tire Changer (2) I kicked them yesterday just for the ell of it...

I spec your worst nitemare will be seating the tires to the rim have fun china tire changer are not...



Well-known Member
  • May 11, 2015
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I don't use petroleum products on tires.
I use regular tire soap or tire paste (Bead Butter, Tip-Top, etc)



  • May 11, 2015
  • #1

i bought one of those changers awhile back cause i had 12 small tires to change around .. it worked pretty good . i had to use a ratchet strap tightened around the tire to get it to air up . i had to make an adapter so it would work on small tires but i could not get it to work on a golf cart tire , i dont remember why though. i sold it for 30.00 i think i paid 50.00 . it saved me a few bucks.





Well-known Member
  • May 11, 2015
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(quoted from post at 19:08:49 05/11/15)
If grease got'em off you were gonna trash'em anyways...

Use a good tire lube to install'em... Are Soap will not hurt the tire and i spec it will never have enough traction to spin the tire on the rim...

I have about a 1980 Horse the tires still look good as new OT Harbor Freight Mini Tire Changer (3) I kicked them yesterday just for the ell of it...

I spec your worst nitemare will be seating the tires to the rim have fun china tire changer are not...

What is Are Soap? Is this tire lube stuff available and regular parts houses?

I watched a video of some guy changing tires just using a regular crow bar and another smaller pry bar. He managed to do it but I sure didn't want to go through what he went through doing it. That's why I bought the mini tire changer.

I also bought a ratcheting strap to put around the tires while trying to air them up.



  • May 11, 2015
  • #1

(quoted from post at 22:08:49 05/11/15)

I spec your worst nitemare will be seating the tires to the rim

Those little tires can be a real bugger that way. I've had pretty good luck by removing the core from the valve stem and then shoving the coupler on the hose directly onto the stem. That's the only way to get enough volume in there quickly.



Well-known Member
  • May 11, 2015
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I use rim grease from Gemplers.

It lubricates the beads for mopunt/dismount and prevents the bead from rusting to the rim so that you can easily break it down 10 years from now.




  • May 11, 2015
  • #1

1 very large bench top vice that opens to 12" breaks the bead on any tire that fits. Follwed by 2 tire spoons and a mallet to get the tire off the rim.
A little wheel soap and the same spoons mounts the tires.
Remove the valve core add a ratchet strap around the tire and fast fill with air to sit the bead. Remove the ratchet strap reinsert the valve core and feel tired to spec with air.

Even used an old pipe clamp that opens to about 20 inches to do my sons ATV tires. Not the easiest way to do it but hey it works.


Well-known Member
  • May 11, 2015
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I have one of those tire changers. It's better than
nothing. It needs a larger threaded rod to hold the wheel.
My rod is slightly bent.


Den N Ms

Well-known Member
  • May 11, 2015
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Caryc,Liquid dish soap will work good to lube the bead up,if you just have a couple to change.



  • May 12, 2015
  • #1

Harbor Freight is like Cracker Jacks the little surprise thingy you get in with
the caramel corn an peanuts will work at least once, they do have a guarantee,
right. bet it works great. I have one but not from HF it says it will inflate to 120 psi, plugs into lighter hole? Hope
it never quits on ya.





Well-known Member
  • May 12, 2015
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(quoted from post at 22:13:29 05/11/15) Harbor Freight is like Cracker Jacks the little surprise thingy you get in with
the caramel corn an peanuts will work at least once, they do have a guarantee,
right. bet it works great. I have one but not from HF it says it will inflate to 120 psi, plugs into lighter hole? Hope
it never quits on ya.

You missed something along the line. I purchased a mini tire changer from Harbor Freight, not an air compressor.



  • May 12, 2015
  • #1

Ya I missed something 1st grade reading class----- have fun with your new toy.

Ultradog MN

Well-known Member
Twin Cities
  • May 12, 2015
  • #1

No thanks.
I buy good tools.
I live less than a mile from a Harbor Fright and have been in there twice just too look around.
Didn't buy anything.
The place stank like hot rubber.



  • May 12, 2015
  • #1

Have you read the reviews at Harbor Freight and watched some of the many videos at Youtube? These usually have a lot of good info - Big clunky welded Harbor freight
stuff like the tire changers or tractor attachments often need a iittle modification or adjustment before they will work their best, but then work fine.

My understanding is that the mini changer works fine on garden tractor-type tires but not trailer tires which have very heavy sidewalls for their size tho Harbror Freight is
silent on the issue.



Well-known Member
  • May 12, 2015
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I luv that smell !!!



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  • May 12, 2015
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Yup, I got one. Used it on riding lawn mower front tires that kept going flat.
While I could have just broke tires down and stuff tubes in, I chose to remove and blast and paint.
I used water with LOTS of dish soap .
Is it on the flimsy side? Face it, it's from HF.
But since I have screwdrivers and not tire irons...
Would I recommend it to a friend? I'd say "save your money and come use mine".



  • May 12, 2015
  • #1

Been mounting and balancing my own car and truck tires for almost 10 years now with a HF manual tire changer and the HF bubble balancer. Dawn dish soap and water in a spray bottle is an excellent bead lube. It also cleans the blue junk off of the letters real nice.

I modified both devices to suit my needs, but it's all good.



  • May 12, 2015
  • #1

Yo..Caryc,call my buddy Mike at the bike shop,he's got a luiquiefd rubber he uses,my bikes rear tire was always a pain in the **s
This stuff put in on like ..nothing



  • May 12, 2015
  • #1

A heavy dose of Murphy's oil soap works excellent for tires for slickum.



Well-known Member
  • May 12, 2015
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Liquid tire soap or lube is at Napa as ruglyde

They make a paste too.

I'd not use petro grease myself



Well-known Member
  • May 13, 2015
  • #1

grease on a tire bead will cause the rubber to self destruct in a short time. I've seen it gobs of times. go to the Napa or other parts store and buy a gallon of rubber lube. It is far slicker than any dish soap and it will not hurt the rubber in your tires. As far as that machine if it works for you-use it. Just don't expect it to do great things--it won't.



Well-known Member
  • May 13, 2015
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My neighbor asked if I could break down his tire for his JD Zero turn mower. He complained that he had been using a hammer for 20 minutes and he could not get it to break down. I found the lever and the main shaft thing and we did not even mount it to anything. We held it down by hand it pushed it off in one try. I laughed and he said, "Well I loosen it."
It was so easy it was funny.





Well-known Member
  • May 13, 2015
  • #1

Well…got my two new tires today and got them mounted using the Harbor Freight mini tire changer. Yes it did work.

Funny thing about a Harbor Freight thread. I think the Harbor Freight snipers foam at the mouth at the chance to bash the “cheap Chinese junk”.

Well guys, the little machine did exactly what I purchased it to do. I also never really expect that I will have any use for it again in my lifetime. I kind of think that’s why I didn’t run out and buy a really good expensive machine. To me, it was worth the $40.

I’ve purchased other stuff from Harbor Freight and it all still works. I purchased a power steering pump pully puller / installer and it also did exactly what I purchased it for.

I have a lot of good tools but for some things that I may only use once or twice I’m glad there is a Harbor Freight in my town. They do serve a purpose.

Incidently, I did not use grease to mount the tires. I used Napa Ruglyde. Somewhere back in my youth I remember it was pounded into my head the phrase “Oil rots rubber”. That’s why I asked the question about it in the first place. Had to go back into town but I got the good stuff.

So, in closing, go on you HF bashers and bash away.

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OT Harbor Freight Mini Tire Changer (2025)
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